Isaiah Armour

The Armour Recipe

You need Tough Attitudes, Warm Hearts, Good Food,

Proud Faces, and Constant Social Events

Preheat Grandma's house to 65

Degrees Fahrenheit and insert

The Warm Hearts & Proud Faces into

the Tough Attitudes, and mix with Constant

Social Events until the Armour

Is extremely versatile and can

Go almost anywhere on the fly.

Pour the Good Food into your Armour.

Broil in a large house with a large dinner

Table in Grandma's house until

Everyone is laughing, talking

And making political jokes.

You can tell the Armour is finished when everyone is hugging each other

and taking an extra 2 hours to leave.

The Bop

Nobody here next to me, pulling me along,

As I hang out with strangers,

So unfamiliar, so strange.

I walk here alone with nobody here talking to me

About news and the latest baseball

Oh well, I have other friends

I'll do whatever it takes.

No more competing

In home run derbies after homework

No more three-point shootouts or

One-on-one unless I play

With my little brother, it's not the same

Like I said, it feels so strange,

With no one here to talk to

As I do homework in my office

I'll do whatever it takes.

School will feel so empty, in class without

My friend there with me in class

Even though we can still see each other

Outside of school, at parties and things

We will still keep in touch although

My friend is moving to a different school

I'll do whatever it takes.

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